5 Steps to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Tis’ the season for temptations, eating out and a lot of sweets! I know it can be hard to sticky with eating healthy during the holidays so I created a list of my 5 steps I use to stay healthy during the holidays. Click more to read!

5 Steps to Stay Healthy During the Holidays | Style blogger Emerson Hannon of Classycleanchic shares 5 Steps to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
  1. Eat healthy when you have the option. When there is a salad, I fill up on that first. Then I am fuller and have less room for the sweets and carbs.
  2. Be prepared. I try to pack a healthy lunch for work do it! When someone is bringing donuts Friday, I bring my own healthy snack to enjoy & still feel like part of the fun.
  3. Drink water. I am not very good at determining if I am hungry or thirsty so I make sure to force fluids throughout the day.
  4. Limit alcohol intake. I know when I used to drink (blog post on why I quit here & here) I would snack wayyy more when I had a few too many cocktails.
  5. Focus on conversations vs. food. I actually used this when I stopped drinking but it works great for eating. Instead of focusing on all the snacks and treats I find an engaging conversation to have!

This is what has worked for me, but in the end it’s ok to enjoy yourself and indulge throughout the holidays! I know they will still be selling lettuce 🥬 in January lol.

Would love to hear any tips that have worked for you in the comments! I will also answer any questions you have there too! 💕

xoxo E

One thought on “5 Steps to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

  1. Thank you for the tips and suggestions on how to keep stay in your healthy routines even throughout the holiday season! It is so important to keep routines going, but still be able to have the wiggle room to indulge in those special holiday treats!

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